
Hello all! I am a couple weeks behind again, but I have been thinking about all of you during my time off as my family enjoyed a much-needed week of camping. I completely unplugged for the majority of the time, especially concerning my professional life. I am proud to say that I did not check email or my company messaging system even once – rare for even the oldest of millennials. :)

I had some time to reflect on notes I have taken during the past Sunday services, and I wanted to talk about the lesson from July 17th. In this lesson, Mary and Martha have Jesus visiting their home, and Martha is annoyed with Mary for laying around listening instead of helping her make the home ready. Much to her astonishment, she was chided for allowing herself to be distracted rather than opening her heart to the better parts of life. I think often of all the distractions we have (home, children, faith, work, school, technology, social media…) and how they all take away from ourselves, the other priorities, and each other. It was nice to be able to listen and participate and catch up with those dearest to me.

On the last night, we sat around the fire talking late into the night and laughing until we could barely breathe. It took us many nights for us all to relax enough to sink into the pleasure of each other’s company to the point it outweighed the need to rest. I certainly did not feel content to enjoy the better parts of life until the last day of our trip, but it was worth every moment of letting go of the distractions to get there.

In regard to the lesson, with all this noise and busyness, how do we know when God is speaking to us rather than someone we should not trust or who is trying to take advantage? This is when we lean on the foundations of our faith, gained through many hours in the church, reading the Bible, talking with our loved ones, feeling the Holy Spirit in that singular way... As in any facet of life, it is important to listen actively with a discerning ear and weigh the words you hear against the Words that settle so deeply in your heart – the Words that God has shared with us to guide us through this world of distraction and deception.  

May you all have at least a moment to free yourself from distraction in the coming weeks and open your heart to hear God speaking.

-          Hannah