It’s Finally May – Welcome Spring!

Good day to all of you, and I hope you are still basking in the glory of the Resurrection and the spring weather that is threatening to finally arrive and stay a minute. And Happy Mother’s Day to anyone who puts someone else’s needs before their own, especially a child, whether they are yours, your spouse’s, your foster child(ren), adopted as well as those who were lost or never arrived. It’s the toughest and most rewarding job in the world. I know this is time is hard for many people, but it is also a time of remembrance and celebration. I hope there is peace in all you feel this time of year.

I did not attend church these past two Sundays, and I worked with my Mom on Mother’s Day, but I wanted to share that I spent the days in service to family, farm, and friends, which was a wonderful way to spend time reflecting on the relationships and opportunities that I am blessed with. Spring is a time of year that many people spend their time in service: homemakers are doing spring cleaning, farmers are tilling and planting their fields, lawn and garden people are grabbing their gardening clothes and getting their hands blissfully dirty… It is the best part of spring, in my opinion – there is so much life in the air and all around us. It is hard to miss God in the details this time of year; he shows himself everywhere.

There is peace in nature, and it gives us a taste of that peace beyond all understanding that can only come from Him. Boundless love and peace, as vast as the fields and skies. Get out there.